
The Meaning of the Dead Sea Scrolls: Their Significance for Understanding the Bible, Judaism, Jesus, and Christianity is unavailable, but you can change that!

The Dead Sea Scrolls, discovered in caves near the Dead Sea in 1947, are one of the great archaeological finds. They include a treasure trove of unique texts created by the Essene community of Qumran which had formed in the desert to restore Judaism to true biblical faith. They also include the earliest manuscripts of every book in the Hebrew Bible, except for Esther. The writings of this...

of age, joins the ranks and is eligible to marry. Additional rights and duties follow at ages twenty-five and thirty. When one becomes elderly, his duties are reduced to make them commensurate with his abilities. The text envisions a community led by priests and including Levites and the remainder of the membership; it is organized militarily (1.22–25). No one with an impurity, a physical blemish, or a handicap is allowed in the yaḥad, “[f]or the holy angels are [a part of] their congregation” (2.8–9;
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